ww_Bokeh Tools

Tools to make consistent Bokeh plots



 ww_figure (width=700, height=400)
Type Default Details
width int 700 Width of plot output (pixels)
height int 400 Height of plot output (pixels)
data_path = '../data/atm/'
atm_fn    = 'profile-1-atm-xyz.zip'
import pandas as pd
atm = pd.read_csv(data_path+atm_fn, names=["lon", "lat", "elev"])
p = ww_figure()
Loading BokehJS ...
p.fig.title.text       = "ATM melt Pond Lidar Data"
p.fig.xaxis.axis_label = "Distance along the Profile (m)"
p.fig.yaxis.axis_label = "Elevation (m)"
x = atm['lat']
y = atm['elev']
junk = p.fig.scatter( x, y )
show( p.fig )
p.fig.title.text = "New Title XXXXXXXXXXX"
p.fig.xaxis.axis_label = "X Axis label XXXXXXXXXXXX"